So, some of you may remember that last year I made a rather special pumpkin for Halloween, so this year I am attempting something equally important...
October 31st is extra special this year as not only is it Halloween, but it's also the day Assassin's Creed III is released!
So, to mark the occasion I am making an Assassin's themed Halloween costume for work!
We had a Camelot themed day a while back and I made this:
I was Sir Alex of the Knight Shift...
Oh, and yes I am fighting one of my managers with a lightsaber.
This was sewn entirely by hand and done without a pattern, so it took a while...
I am using this as a base to create a mishmash of the costumes of Altair and Ezio from all of the current AC games...
This is what I plan to make:
And this is what I have so far:
I still have the boots and long tails that I made for Camelot Day, an old suit shirt to use as an undershirt and over the years Holly has bought me an Assassin ring, a belt and a hidden blade!
Up until today I was working by hand again, so had only achieved one side of the front material, but luckily a colleague of mine who happens to be amazing at sewing has lent me her sewing machine and gave me a short tutorial on how it works, so in just one day I have managed to speed through to what you see above...
I am carrying on with this tomorrow, so I'll be updating this soon!
Oh, and I am still working on the cake toppers for my sister!
More on that soon...
In the meantime, here, have a Jurassic Park Pumpkin:
And here's a link to the latest posts on this costume: